How It Works
Ctrl + Alt Design was conceived to make the process of brand development more accessible and enjoyable. I have a basic approach that puts YOU back in control, allowing you that oh-so-satisfying feeling of reaching ALL of your goals.

Meet & Discuss
The choice is yours; we can meet up one-on-one and discuss your goals and budget in person, chat over the phone, or we can do it old school, via email.
I'll send you a basic questionnaire that will help you think a little more proactively about your needs and goals, and in turn, give me a better understanding of what your needs are.

Agree & Proceed
Once we have your budget and goals determined and outlined, we'll agree upon the details of your project; deadlines, expectations, and timelines. I will send you my proposal for you to evaluate and sign, agreeing to what I am offering. Once that is signed, I can begin the production process.

Create & Produce
This is where things get fun! You get to choose how much or how little you would like to be involved. Some clients want to be involved in every aspect, while others simply like to sit back, and "let the magic happen", as they say.
Just be prepared to help pick out stylistic components and the occasional Typeface or two.
You can expect that no matter the size or type of project you have, you will ALWAYS get:
Market research helps to determine who your competitors are and what they are doing. This helps me create a unique image and experience for your project that will set you apart from your competition.
If you have an idea or concept that isn't the best, I'll tell you, but don't worry - I'll always bring a helpful suggestion to the table.
It's my personal goal to help you find and determine the absolute best resolution for your project. Even if that means sending you to another trusted professional. I would rather lose you as a client and have your needs met, than waste your time with no results.
I can't stress enough the value of education when it comes to the empowerment of your brand and design. I will provide you with everything you need to be able to succeed after I've completed your project.